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 Life Insurance

 Choosing the Type of Life Insurance
There are two basic types of life insurance: term life insurance and cash value life insurance

 Glossary of Life Insurance Terms
Commonly Used Life Insurance Terms

 Beware of Any Life Insurance Agent Who
Take care of yourself and be aware of the insurance agent.

 Are You Considering Changes to Your Life Insurance Policy?
Many consumers are approached by life insurance agents or life sales representatives and are asked to consider canceling their current life insurance policy in order to purchase a replacement policy

 Choosing the Type of Deferred Annuity
There are two basic types of deferred annuities – fixed annuities and variable annuities.

An annuity is a product which can provide you with an income for as long as you live. There are two types of annuities...

 Life Insurance Agent Arrested
A life insurance agent in Los Angeles has been arrested and charged with Financial Elder Abuse following an investigation by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) Investigation Division

 Life and Disability Insurance
Term life insurance policies are the least costly. They pay death benefits only-they have no cash value if you decide to stop making payments.