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 The RPM3 Method
Adventures in Parenting encourages parents to use the RPM3 method - a "no-frills" approach to parenting

 Three Central Principles of Parenting
The M3 in RPM3 describes three complex, but central principles of parenting: monitoring, mentoring, and modeling. Many people are confused by these words because they seem similar, but they are really very different

 Children's Friendships Made Easy
Most research into children's friendships shows that those children who are able to form friendships when they start school are happier at school and also learn better

 Parents - Create An Emotionally Healthy Connection With Your Child
Creating a loving emotional connection with your child starts when the mother becomes pregnant. The sweet baby awaiting birth is physically, emotionally, and spiritually connected to her mother.

 Parenting Styles - Overcoming Your Differences
If you spend any time in the parenting section of the library or your local bookstore, you will find hundreds of books on disciplining and raising your children.

 How Is Peaceful Parenting® Different?
Peaceful Parenting® ideas are very different from other kinds of parenting practices that you have learned or read about. Certainly it is harder to practice Peaceful Parenting® than to simply threaten or bribe your child into following your directions or making what you consider to be the "right" choices.

 Of Kings and Youth Leadership
If ever there was a time for youth leadership development for our future, then that time is now. Homeschooling our children to give them a better education is the goal of every homeschooling parent and an additional goal should also underly your convictions - that your child be trained to lead others to follow in the right way

 Playful Parenting - More than Just Fun and Games
Early childhood educators have called play "children's work". Many parents believe their children should be doing something more productive than merely having fun. But, actually, play fosters physical, emotional, intellectual and social development. Encouraging your child to play is vital for his development as well as his happiness

 How To Teach Children Loyalty and Dependability
Individualism is a common thing in today's modern society. Many people care more about themselves than others and do what they like with little consideration for people whom may be affected by their action. It is quite a sad thing. You can see that there are is a general lack of loyalty and commitment to people own belongings

 Teaching Children Responsibility
What does it mean to teach your children responsibility? Every parent has a different answer and a different expectation of when and how their child will assume personal responsibility. One thing is for sure and that is that responsibility must be taught.

 Simple Tricks To Help You And Your Kids To Find Friends
One of the most prevalent problems of the computer age is isolation and loneliness. In order to build and maintain relationships there are a number of simple skills, which can be learned, to enhance the opportunity to find and keep friends

 When Kids Hurt Parents
The cruel callous remarks made by our offspring can sometimes wound us deeply, to the very core of our soul. The hurtful words of our children can scar us like no other

 Four Tips For Alleviating Back To School Anxiety
For most children, going back to school signifies a move from the lazy, hazy days of summer to a regimented school routine and poses unique challenges that must be overcome. "It’s a school night" becomes part of the parental lexicon for the next ten months and children typically resist the concept. At issue for children and parents alike: change

 Is Your Behavioural Change Strategy Working?
Achieving a behavioural change in children is dependent on their age and stage of development, their temperament and attitude, and how set in their ways they are

 Parental Involvement in Learning
The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study found that "Children who were read to at least three times a week by a family member were almost twice as likely to score in the top 25 percent in reading than children who were read to less than three times a week."

 Parenting Your Teenager: Are You the Guide or the Enemy?
Teen-agers usually view their parents as either the enemy or guides to growing up. If you are the enemy, they will learn to con and lie to you, which can make for a long battle

 Parenting: 5 Ways to Show Love to Your Children
We spell love L-O-V-E. Children and teens spell it T-I-M-E. The myth that the quality of time is more important than the quantity of time spent with children is just that - a myth