Lawns: Rake up fallen leaves and compost to use for leafmold or mulch under shrubs. Raise the height of cutting and mow less often. Reseed bald patches. Sow or sod ( turf) new lawns.
Flowers: Collect seed, leaving some to self-seed. In early fall, dig heavy soils. Plant out biennials. Divide overlarge plants after flowering. Pot up tender perennials for winter storage before frosts. In late autumn, tidy borders, cut back perennials, and remove old stems and leaves.
Bulbs: Plant spring-flowering varieties. After frost blanckens foliage, dig up dahlia tubers and store. Protect tender bulbs like nerines and gladioli with thick layer of straw or leaves.
Climbers: Plant new climbers. Check established climbers are tied to supports before winter winds catch them.
Containers: Plant up winter pansies. Bring indoors or protect tender plants.
Trees, shrubs,and hedges: Trim hedges for the last time inearly autumn. Plant deciduous trees and shrubs, including new hedges.
Vegetable and fruit garden: Prune raspberries, tie new growth. Harvest crops and clear ground for winter. In warm areas, sow winter lettuce and spring cabbages in early fall and broad beans in late fall. Prune apples and pears in late fall/ winter.