Lawns: Apply ground limestones to acidic soil. Service mowers and string trimmers before storing for winter.
Flowers: Order plants and seeds for spring. Check overwintering plants in coldframes or frost-free store once every two weeks for moisture and ventilate when possible.
Bulbs: Check stored tubers after Christmas.
Climbers: Tie back wind-blown plants and before bud burst, prune those that flowered after midsummer. Feed and mulch.
Containers: Check for frost damage.
Trees and shrubs: In warm climates, plant deciduous varieties during mild spells. Frim shrubs loosened by wind, and stake if necessary.
Vegetable and fruit garden: Dig heavy soils in early winter, light soils in late winter. Apply well-rotted composts and soil conditioners in late winter. Add lime to brassica beds or acid soils. Plant onion sets and shallots. Prune soft fruit bushes. Plant bare-rooted
fruit trees.