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Woven Paper Card

What you need:
Medium- weight card ( posterboard ) in variety of colour
Heavy paper in a variety of colours
Non-toxic paper glue

1. Draw a rectangle measuring 16 X 24 cm on medium-weight green card and cup in out.Draw a line down the center of the rectangle and score along it with scissors to form a fold.

2. Make a 9 cm square on the front of the card and cut it out fo form a window.

3. Cut a piece of red card measuring 10 x 10 cm. Make vertical cuts every 1 cm down the card, from just below the top edge almost to the bottom, but do not cut all the way through.

4. Cut several strips of orange paper apporximately 1 cm wide.

5. Weave the orange strips through the red to make a checked pattern.Trim and attach the orange strips at each side of the card with paper glue.

6. Stick the woven square to the inside front of the card so that it shows through the window.