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What Do You Do If You Suspect Mold Damage?

It is important to immediately locate the source of moisture if you suspect mold damage. Once the water leakage and accumulation has stopped, the area must be thoroughly dried and then cleaned. In some instances the contaminated areas and materials should be removed. Your homeowner’s policy may cover mold cleanup and damage to property caused by mold when the mold damage is considered to be the consequence of a covered peril. For instance, if a pipe bursts and floods an area of your house while you are on vacation, and mold is present on your return, the mold cleanup and property repair will most likely be covered if the water damage is covered under the policy. Contact your agent or company representative immediately if you experience water damage. Timely inspection and cleanup of water damage can help to minimize the growth of mold. As a general rule, mold and other problems caused due to lack of maintenance or wear and tear are not covered under a homeowners policy.
Upon accepting and examining your claim, an adjuster or company representative may deny your claim stating the cost of mold detection, cleanup, and property repair are not covered under your policy. If this occurs, you should review your policy provisions and exclusions to see if you agree with the adjuster or company representative’s position. If your agent or company representative refuses to respond to a mold claim, or any other filed claim, then immediately contact the California Department of Insurance (CDI) for assistance. Besides contacting the CDI for assistance, you may consider consulting an attorney, especially if the adjuster or company representative refuses to cover mold cleanup or property damage as a result of a covered water loss, such as a broken water pipe.